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1. This is the main interface of Sprint Layout, with some explanation.

2. Select "File -> Open" to open your PCB (.lay6) file in Sprint Layout

3. You can export the design and generate the Gerber files by selecting "File -> Export -> Gerber Export...".

4. Gerber Export parameters

Configure the Export window as shown in the picture. Once you're done click "Create Gerber files...".
"LED_Flower" is the name of the project in the picture.

5. Export drill data (Excellon) by selecting "File -> Export -> Drill data -> (Excellon)...".

6. More options regarding the drill files:

Check the extensions of every generated file according to the table below. Rename them if necessary. After that, put them in a ZIP and then upload it to the Nyákfutár's order site.

A Gerber állományok kiterjesztésének átírása

Extensions in case of 2 layers:

Top Layerpcbname.GTL
Bottom Layerpcbname.GBL
Soldermask Toppcbname.GTS
Soldermask Bottompcbname.GBS
Silk Toppcbname.GTO
Silk Bottompcbname.GBO
NC Drillpcbname.TXT / XLN
Mechanical Layerpcbname.GKO / GML

In case of one layer, only "Top" and "Bottom" files are required.

Additional Gerber files for 4 layers:

Inner1 layerpcbname.G2L / G1
Inner2 layerpcbname.G3L / G2

Increasing the number of layers on the PCB will result in a higher number of inner layers.

PCB setup before Gerber export
Gerber export from Altium Designer
Generate Gerber file from Altium Designer...
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